发布时间:2021-03-02 丨 阅读次数:5112
水域铂景Landmark Pinnacle—伦敦最高住宅大厦,坐落于金丝雀码头入口,西望泰晤士河和伦敦天际线,景致壮丽,令人惊叹。
Landmark Pinnacle is one of London’s tallest residential towers. Standing at the entrance of Canary Wharf and looking west at the Thames River and the London skyline, the scenery is magnificent and amazing.
该项目由英国开发商CPL建造,屡获殊荣的建筑设计事务所Squire & Partners设计。 设计师坚持:空间与光线,简约和位置感三个基本原则,认真考虑了每个要素,以创建一个具有连贯一致的室内效果。
Landmark pinnacle was built by CPL/UK, and was designed by Squire and Partners, who have made a name for themselves as interior designers as well as award-winning architects. They made the interiors design with three principles in mind: space/light, pureness, and sense of location. Every element has been carefully considered to create a design that is cohesive and consistent.
With more than 3 years’ effort, ter Hürne competed successfully against their international competitors and became the flooring supplier of this project. ter Hürne are supplying approximately 30,000 m2 of plank flooring for all the apartments.
ter Hürne’s parquets are installed on every floor in the luxurious living rooms and bedrooms. The Oak Light Beige flooring warms the grey and white interior design with unassuming style.
The unique landscape outside the window combined with refined purity tones, presents an excellent sense of quality for the whole space.
Turn to another corner, it’s a cosy space. Right. It’s home.
Just sit down, read some books and enjoy the moment.
Brand: ter Hürne, Germany
始于 1959年,LAK旗下托赫产品多为欧洲主流阶层量身定制,深得欧洲贵族及精英阶层钟爱。四季酒店、米索尼酒店采用的正是托赫地板。
The name of ter Hürne is a synonym for fascinating and high-quality floors. ter Hürne aims at people with corners and edges who like to assert themselves and make high demands. . ter Hürne regards floors as a crucial design element in living spaces where people can live out their individuality and uniqueness.